
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Running-girl's Vacation

Ahh....nothing like a vacation in Hawaii! Hawaii offers many beautiful runs. The scenery off-sets the blazing hot sun beating down your back while the "sheets" of sweat blur your vision. Never mind the scalding asphalt that penetrates the soles of your shoes or your perspiration-soaked shorts that leave you heavy. If your run doesn't take your breath away, the Hawaiian views will leave you breathless. The following are some of the views you'll find on your run in Honolulu.

Diamond Head view from Kapiolani Park

A view of the Ko'olau range from Maunawili Trail

I traded in my running shoes for some flip-flops then decided to run barefoot in the sand at Ala Moana Beach.

Ko'olina Resort

Best way to conclude a run is with a view of a gorgeous sunset!

I'd like to leave you with a Hawaiian proverb:

"Kulia i ka nu'u"

(Strive for the summit)

Pronunciation: [Koo-LEE-ah ee kah NOO-oo]

Explanation: Strive for excellence. This was the motto of Hawaii's Queen Kapi'olani who did so much for her people.

~Happy running wherever you may be...just remember to enjoy the VIEW!

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